After an intense investigation, PEFCA has declared all entries null and void due to internet tampering and hereby CANCELS the 2023 Moe & Furf SuperQuiz Challenge.


After careful examination, it appears that at least three individuals hacked into the entry page on Google and changed some of the predictions sent in by the challengers. While they did not change all the information, they changed enough answers to make it impossible to make a fair decision on who the winner is. It appears that the most likely winner would have been Moe, but too many answers were changed to make sure that he would have been the champion.


In looking at the responses that were changed, so far PEFCA has been able to determine at least three IP addresses were involved in the tampering. There could be more, but it is for sure that the three known locations were in Bigelow, Rogers, and Perryville. It is pretty clear that the Perryville location was in PHS gymnasium, but we can't determine the exact locations in Rogers and Bigelow at this time.


While PEFCA will continue to investigate, we will have to cancel the challenge; A first in the history of Perry County Sports Entertainment. Any future challenges will have added security requirements in place.


For anyone who was involved, it is time to KNOW YOUR ROLE, SHUT YOUR MOUTH, and TURN OFF YOUR COMPUTER AND PHONE....